iGift 提供多種專業的制服款式, 以符合不少制服團體及組織, 
如 青少年制服團體、香港制服團體, 提供制服團隊 制服香港制服團體 制服青少年制服團體 制服、Polo-shirt、風褸、 衛衣、Zipup外套、背心外套,帽款等等給以下客戶, 當中包括:

名稱 Name
再生會 Regeneration Society Limited
九龍城浸信會長者鄰舍中心 Kowloon City Baptist Church Neighbourhood Elderly Centre
九龍婦女福利會 Kowloon Women's Welfare Club
人際輔導中心 Resource The Counselling Centre Limited
大埔浸信會社會服務處 Tai Po Baptist Church Social Service
工程及醫療義務工作協會 Association for Engineering and Medical Volunteer Services
工聯康齡長者服務社Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions Hong Ling Society for the Well-being of the Elderly
中國基督教播道會 - 播道兒童之家 Evangelical Free Church of China - Evangel Children's Home
中華便以利會恩慈長者活動中心 CPMS Social Centre for the Elderly of Grace
中華基督教會合一堂耆年中心Hop Yat Church, The Church of Christ in China, Social Centre for the Elderly
中華基督教禮賢會香港區會福利部 Chinese Rhenish Church Hong Kong Synod, Welfare Department
中華錫安傳道會社會服務部 Chinese Evangelical Zion Church Social Service Division
中聖教會有限公司 - 中聖教會白普理社區服務中心 Chung Sing Church Limited - Chung Sing Church Bradbury Social Service Centre
五旬節聖潔會香港區會基列社會服務中心 Pentecostal Holiness Church Hong Kong Conference Gilead Social Service Centre
五旬節聖潔會靈光白普理失明人中心 Pentecostal Holiness Church Ling Kwong Bradbury Centre for the Blind
仁愛堂 Yan Oi Tong Limited
仁濟醫院社會服務部 Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department
屯門婦聯有限公司 Tuen Mun District Women's Association Limited
世音社會服務中心有限公司 UniSound Social Service Centre Limited
幼童樂園協會 Hong Kong Pre-School Playgroups Association
母親的抉擇 Mother's Choice Limited
民社服務中心有限公司 People Service Centre Limited
生命熱線 The Samaritans (Cantonese Speaking Service)
生命踏板計劃 Springboard Project Limited
生活教育活動計劃 Life Education Activity Programme
光愛中心有限公司 Light and Love Home Limited
匡智會 Hong Chi Association
好心組織有限公司 Ho-Sum Organisation Limited
安徒生會 Hans Andersen Club Limited
尖沙咀街坊福利會 Tsim Sha Tsui District Kaifong Welfare Association
成長希望基金會 Changing Young Lives Foundation
竹林明堂有限公司 Chuk Lam Ming Tong Limited
自助組織發展中心有限公司 Self-help Development Centre Limited
自強協會有限公司 1st Step Association Limited
自閉症人士福利促進會 Society for the Welfare of the Autistic Persons
至八會 super eight
西貢區社區中心 Sai Kung District Community Centre
伸手助人協會 Helping Hand
佛教東林安老院 Tung Lum Buddhist Aged Home
利民會 Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong
扶康會 Fu Hong Society
沙田婦女會 Shatin Women's Association
災後心理輔導協會 Post Crisis Counseling Network 
育智中心 Yuk Chi Resource Centre
防止青少年吸煙委員會 Committee on Youth Smoking Prevention
防止虐待兒童會 Against Child Abuse
亞洲動物基金 Animals Asia Foundation Limited
兒童醫健基金會有限公司 Children's Medical Foundation Limited
兩地一心 U-Hearts
協青社 Your Outreach
協康會 Heep Hong Society
和富社會企業有限公司 Wofoo Social Enterprises Limited
和諧之家 Harmony House Limited
拉法基金會有限公司 Rapha Foundation Limited
旺角街坊會陳慶社會服務中心 Mongkok Kai-Fong Association Limited Chan Hing Social Service Centre
明光社 Society for Truth and Light
明愛向晴軒 Caritas Family Crisis Support Centre
明德兒童啓育中心 The Child Development Centre
社區文化發展中心 Centre for Community Cultural Development
社區藥物教育輔導會 Community Drug Advisory Council
肺積塵互助會 Pneumoconiosis Mutual Aid Association
長者安居協會 Senior Citizen Home Safety Association
長者網絡發展協會 Cyber Senior Network Development Association
長春社 Conservancy Association
長洲鄉事委員會青年綜合服務中心 Cheung Chau Rural Committee Integrated Youth Centre
青暉婦女會 Ching Fai Women Association
南葵涌服務中心 South Kwai Chung Service Centre
宣美語言及聽覺訓練中心 Suen Mei Speech & Hearing Centre
思拔中心 Nesbitt Centre Limited
恆康互助社 Amity Mutual Support Society
柏力與確志協會 Paraplegic and Quadraplegic Association
盈愛行動 Mission of Love
突破機構 Breakthrough Limited
美差會潮浸服務聯會 ABM Hong Kong Swatow Baptist Church Community Service Association
美健健康與關懷服務中心 Health Beauty Health and Care Services Centre
香港大學學生會社會服務團 Social Service Group, Hong Kong University Students' Union
香港女童軍總會 Hong Kong Girl Guides Association
香港女障協進會 Association of Women with Disabilities Hong Kong
香港小童群益會 The Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong
香港工人健康中心 Hong Kong Workers' Health Centre
香港中國婦女會 Hong Kong Chinese Women's Club
香港中華基督教青年會 Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong
香港互勵會 Hong Kong Mutual Encouragement Association
香港公教婚姻輔導會 The Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council
香港少年領袖團 Hong Kong Adventure Corps
香港心理衛生會 Mental Health Association of Hong Kong
香港仔坊會社會服務 Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Social Service
香港失明人互聯會 Hong Kong Federation of the Blind
香港失明人協進會 Hong Kong Blind Union
香港交通安全會 Hong Kong Road Safety Association
香港老人權益聯盟 Elderly Rights League (Hong Kong)
香港老年學會 Hong Kong Association of Gerontology
香港肌健協會 Hong Kong Neuro-Muscular Disease Association
香港西區浸信會老人中心 Hong Kong West Point Baptist Church Elderly
香港戒毒會 The Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers (SARDA)
香港扶幼會 Society of Boys' Centres
香港沃土發展社 Institute for Integrated Rural Development, Hong Kong
香港沙士互助會 Hong Kong SARS Mutual Help Association
香港言語治療師協會 Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists
香港防盲協會 Hong Kong Federation of Societies for Prevention of Blindness
香港防癆心臟及胸病協會 The Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association
香港防癌會 The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society
香港乳癌基金會 Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation 
香港亞洲歸主協會 Asian Outreach Hong Kong Limited
香港兒童糖尿協會 Hong Kong Juvenile Diabetes Association
香港兒童權利委員會 Hong Kong Committee on Children's Rights
香港兔唇裂顎協會 Hong Kong Association for Cleft Lip and Palate
香港明愛 Caritas - Hong Kong
香港盲人輔導會 The Hong Kong Society for the Blind
香港社區組織協會 Society for Community Organization
香港社會工作人員協會 Hong Kong Social Workers Association
香港長者協會 Hong Kong Association of Senior Citizens
香港青少年服務處 Hong Kong Children and Youth Services
香港青少年培育會 Hong Kong Juvenile Care Centre
香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
香港青年獎勵計劃 Hong Kong Award For Young People
香港青年學院 Hong Kong Youth Institute
香港青年歸主 Youth for Christ (HK)
香港保護兒童會 Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children
香港宣教會社會服務處 Hong Kong Evangelical Church Social Service
香港屋宇事務促進會 Hong Kong Housing Affairs Association
香港拯溺總會 Hong Kong Life Saving Society
香港紅十字會 Hong Kong Red Cross
香港唐氏綜合症協會 Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association
香港家庭計劃指導會 The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong
香港家庭福利會 Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
香港家連家精神健康倡導協會 Hong Kong Familylink Mental Health Advocacy Association
香港展能藝術會 Arts with the Disabled Association
香港弱能兒童護助會 Society for the Relief of Disabled Children
香港弱智人士家長聯會 Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents of the Mentally Handicapped
香港弱智人士體育協會 Hong Kong Sports Association for the Mentally Handicapped
香港海事青年團 Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps
香港特殊學習障礙協會 Hong Kong Association for Specific Learning Disabilities
香港耆英協進會 Hong Kong Aged Concern
香港耆康老人福利會 Hong Kong Society for the Aged
香港航空青年團 Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps
香港國際社會服務社 International Social Service Hong Kong Branch
香港培康聯會 Pui Hong Self-Help Association
香港基督女少年軍    Girls' Brigade Hong Kong, The
香港基督教女青年會 Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association
香港基督教青年會 Young Men's Christian Association of Hong Kong
香港婦女中心協會 Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres
香港婦聯 Hong Kong Women Development Association
新生精神康復會 New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association